By Jul 01, 2022

NO MORE STRANGE GODS – Exodus 20:3-7

The idea of a supreme being, a distinguished deity to every living human, is a unique one. GOD in the human sense, had been firmly placed in recurring dispute. Every man knows his own GOD. For some, they are not so sure. For others, they choose to be in denial of the existence of a god somewhere.

We all have our preconceived notion of who GOD is, or should be – a supernatural, usually immortal, with unseen, distinctive powers. Regardless of what our belief in GOD is, one thing we agree on is the possession of special qualities such as those listed above.

However, reviewing issues from the basis of the Christian GOD, one begins to wonder if this GOD is actual. You begin to marvel at the multiple standards that have been attributed to GOD.

It begs the big question if there is certainly just one GOD or if there is more. Confusion sets in when you see a self-acclaimed child of GOD pay little to no attention to the God he serves. The way he treats him with no modicum of reverence. The substandard way of his worship.

Our worship of GOD is a function of the heart. The way we handle him reflects the state of our hearts. A man only shows utmost commitment to who or what he values the most.

Over time, in the history of man, beginning from the advent of creation, GOD has always been known to be taken for another.

In the days of Moses, Aaron led the team of apathy against The Almighty to come up with a golden calf in place of GOD. To them, that was sufficient to immortalize. They felt a sense of satisfaction in idolizing a non-responsive being. They saw contentment in sticking with an immobile creation. For as long as it was present, visible with the human eye, it met their criterion for a god. The true GOD was substituted.

That became a trend. It continued thereon...

Though some of those practices are still in place in today’s world, it is no longer in vogue. Humans evolved. We have found special ways of replacing GOD.

Technology, advancement, and passage of time has aided man’s bid to simmer down on GOD.

These new gods no longer come in physically carved structures. They now come in the form of nature (Deut 17:3), valuable possessions, food (Phil 3:19), money, jobs, and every other desire that takes man’s attention and focus.

In Exodus 20:3, GOD warned against having any other gods before him.

  • Firstly, we should note that GOD issued this commandment long before Aaron and the Israelites came up with their alternative god. God, the Father knew the possibility of man replacing him sometime in the future.
  • Secondly, GOD hinted that there would be multiple gods that man would come up with to take his place.
  • Finally, these gods would have a defined position – they would always come before GOD.

It is very crucial to note that a god coming before has nothing to do with the God you place after. The one that comes before takes priority. Due to its position, it is the first point of call for everyone who worships him.

These strange gods and idols take up very critical importance to the ones that glorify them.

  • GOD warns against placing him after anything or man. He wants to come first. To be the center of every man’s priority in life. Any longing that comes before GOD is an idol before him.

  • God the Father tolerates no rival. He would not give honor to another deity formulated by man. God does not take the matter of another god with leniency. He frowns at it.

  • Let nothing take your heart away from God, he is against any man who does treat him as secondary.

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