RCCG 7 Days Prayers and Fasting 26 November 2022
By admin@heavenlymission.org. Nov 27, 2022
RCCG 7 Days Prayers and Fasting 26 November 2022
- Lord, I bless your name, and your praise is continually in my mouth. Psa 34:1
- Father, I worship you for your name is powerful, your word is powerful, your blood is powerful, your voice is awesome and your spirit is powerful in Jesus name. Prov.18:10, Hebr.4:12, Rev.12:11. Ps.29:4, Zech.4:6
- Father, I worship your holy name for you are our shield, our shelter, our defender and our provider in Jesus name. Ps.18:1-2
- Father, I worship and praise you for answering all our prayers and being patience over me and my family in Jesus name. Ps.65:1-2, Psa 86:15
- Father, thank you for your faithfulness over your Church that is new every morning in Jesus name. Lam.3:22-23.
- Father, thank you for your Church is still standing and the gates of hell have no power to prevail in Jesus name. Matt,16:18.
- Father, thank you for souls that were saved during the past Holy Ghost Congresses, in Jesus name. Luke.15:10, Acts.2:37-40.
- Father, thank you for making adequate provisions for all our past Holy Ghost Congresses, in Jesus name. Phil.4:19, Ps.132:15.
- Father as I confess all my sins, forgive me Oh Lord and cleanse me from all my acts of unrighteousness in Jesus name. 1Joh 1:9 (mention and confess all known sins)
- Father, have mercy and forgive me of all the sins committed by my parents including those that are not alive in Jesus name. Lam 5:7
- Father, forgive and wash me clean from all my sins in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, Act 13:8
- Father, as we seek your face, have mercy upon your Church and heal us of all our sickness and troubles that our sins had brought upon us. 2 Chron 7:14
- Father, forgive your Church for not obeying the instructions of the Holy Ghost.
- Father, forgive your Church for the sins of biblical perversion and disunity in Jesus’ name
- Father, mercy and forgiveness belong to you, have mercy and forgive our nation (please put the name of your country) in Jesus name, Rom 9:15.
- Father, as we seek your face, have mercy upon our lands and heal us of all sickness and troubles that our sins had brought upon us. 2 Chro 7:14
- Father, please forgive our nation of the sins of Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies Gal 5:20
- Father, I come boldly into the throne of grace that I may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Heb 4:16
- Father, there is none like thee that pardon iniquity and forgive the transgression of your heritage. Retain not your anger forever because of your mercy. Micah 7:18
- Father, because you desire mercy and not sacrifice, I repent of all my sins, wrongdoings and trespasses. Matt 9:13
- Father; thank you for being patient towards the Church and not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance by your mercy. 2 Peter 3:9.
- Father; you are the owner of the Church who keeps covenant, do not forsake or destroy your Church because of your covenant. Deuteronomy 4:31.
- Father; you are full of compassion, slow to anger and your tender mercies are over all your work: please deliver the Church from the spirit of mammon and the spirit of jezebel. Psalms 145:9, Matthew 6:24
- Father, we plead for your mercy, as your people. Please forgive us all our sins and trespasses that have made our nation sick. 2 Chr 7:14
- Father, by your mercies do not let our leaders be misguided; surround them with good advisers in Jesus name. Prov. 11:14.
- Father, by your mercy help our leaders to take good decisions that will take our nation to a greater heights for the glory of your name in Jesus name.
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