RCCG 7 Days Prayers and Fasting Points 30 November 2022
By admin@heavenlymission.org. Nov 30, 2022
- Lord, I bless Your name, and Your praise is continually in my mouth. – Psalm 34:1
- Father, I worship You for Your name is powerful, Your word is powerful, Your blood is powerful, Your voice is awesome and Your spirit is powerful in Jesus name. – Proverbs 18:10;Hebrews.4:12; Revelation 12:11; Psalm 29:4; Zecheriah.4:6
- Thank You father for the speaking of the blood of Jesus over my live and family. – Hebrews 9:32
- Thank You father for Your goodness and mercy that follow me always. – Psalm 23:6
- Father, we thank You for Your mercy that is always renewed in Your Church every morning. – Lamentations 3:22
- Father, thank You for the fire of revival (Through the Light Up Crusades) that You have released upon Your Church in Jesus name. – Psalm 85:6
- Thank God for what He has done for you and every individual in RCCG globally. – Psalm 138
- Father, we thank You for prophesies that revealed Your plans and purposes for our nation.
- Father, we thank You for blessing our nation in all areas.
- Father, we thank You for not allowing troubles and hardship in our nation to swallow us and our family.
- Father, forgive me for every act of pride and disobedience to my spiritual leaders. – 1 Samuel 15:22; Proverbs 16:18
- Father, help me to obey You in everything completely in Jesus name. – John 14:15
- Father, forgive me for every act of disobedience to my parents (biological and spiritual). Help me to honour them with all sense of responsibilities in Jesus name. – Ephesians 6:1
- Father, forgive us and deliver Your Church from every form of captivity because of Your mercy that endures forever in Jesus name. – Psalm 136:10-12
- Father show Your Church mercy and forgive her from the sin of dead works and curses of the enemies because of Your mercy in Jesus name. – Psalm 109:17-21
- Father, forgive Your Church, O Lord, in all ways and save us according to Your mercy in Jesus name.
- Father, we repent of all our past errors committed as leaders and followers in this nation.
- Father, have mercy, forgive us in our nation and heal our land like you did in Jericho. – 2 Kings 2:19-22
- Father, forgive us and in Your mercy raise righteous leaders for us in this nation in Jesus name. – Proverbs 29:2
- Oh God in Your mercy, arise and let all my enemies be scattered in Jesus name. – Psalm 68:1
- Father, by Your mercy, let the Church remain the house of prayers from now until eternity in Jesus name. – Psalm 85:6
- Father, Your mercy sustained Joseph in Egypt. Let Your mercy sustain me in this difficulty end time in Jesus name. – Genesis 45:13
- Father, in Your mercy, release unto me the power to do all that it requires to enjoy Your glory all the days of my live in Jesus name. – 2 Chronicles 7:1-2
- Father by Your mercy help the Church to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with you. – Micah 6:8.
- Father, by Your mercy, let the Church remain the house of prayers from now until eternity in Jesus name. Psalm 85:6
- Father because You are greater than all, command the Church to hear Your voice and teach them to obey. Give them eternal life so that no one can pluck them out of your hand. – John 10:27-28
- Father, by Your mercy, give us in our nation, a leader that knows and is willing to obey You in all the way in Jesus name.
- Father, give us a leader that will silence all that are singing the song of division in our nation.
- Father, we cry for mercy, give us a leader that will transform the lives of all that are frustrated in this nation.
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